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What To Do When You Get Pulled Over

What To Do When You Get Pulled Over 1

Life on the road is harsh. There are several regulations you need to keep, so it`s not that easy to be a responsible motorist all the time. And if you`ve been driving a car for quite a while, you might have experienced getting pulled over for one reason or another. But if you haven`t experienced this situation yet, I know how scary that could be for you. That`s why in this article, we`ll be discussing a step-by-step procedure on what you should do in the event you get pulled over by the police.

  1. Keep calm.

Even when you`re just watching a traffic stop on the news, you can feel a tinge of stress just watching from the driver`s point of view. And when it`s happening to you in real life it can get pretty unnerving. But the first thing you have to do when you`re being pulled over is to simply breathe slowly. Your calm mind will allow you to follow the next steps in this article systematically and without fail, which will increase your chances to come out of this with just a speeding ticket or literally unscathed.

Believe me, you do not want to try and outrun a police car because the chances of you winning such a race are almost zero. So instead of trying to play GTA in real life, signal to the officers that you`ve noticed them and pull over to the side of the road where you won`t be blocking traffic.

After parking safely, do not go out of your vehicle. Remain in your seat and keep your seatbelt on. Wait for the officers to approach you, and, of course, they will. During the few seconds that you`re waiting, it`s best to do some breath work and avoid crying or panicking.

Resist the urge to grab your license wherever it may be. Just roll down your car window and keep your hands holding firmly on the wheel. Yes, it`s literally keeping your hands where the officers can see them. Once they approach you and ask for your IDs and stuff, be sure to clearly ask them if you are allowed to move your hands to grab the requirements from your compartment, pocket, or wherever they may be.

Do not make any sudden movements that could alarm the officers or mislead them into thinking that you may be reaching over for a weapon.

Even in a simple traffic violation, anything you say can and will be taken against you, so it`s best not to volunteer any information unless explicitly asked. Even then, it`s always a good idea to exercise your right to contact traffic ticket lawyers. They are well-versed in the exact situation you found yourself in, and can help you navigate such a precarious situation that may affect your driving record for years down the road.

Respectfully inform the officer who flagged you that you are calling a lawyer, and will not answer any questions without your lawyer present. This is a right you have, so it`s okay to insist on making the call.

We`ve all heard of traffic infractions gone wrong. Some officers may overstep their boundaries, or you may be wrongly accused of violations that you didn`t do. We always assume regularity in these kinds of procedures, but we can`t discount the fact that sometimes, authorities go rogue.

For this reason, you have to keep an accurate record of what happened from the time you were pulled over. Fortunately, there are apps that help you record traffic stops like this. All you have to do is inform your virtual assistant that you`re being pulled over, and it will automatically capture everything happening around you, in audio and video. Additionally, you can pre-program it to record your GPS location and send it to your closest contacts with details about you getting pulled over.

Finally, if you are issued a ticket, never lose it. You might face heftier fines or even a misdemeanor charge for doing so. A good rule of thumb is to address a citation the earliest chance you get so you won`t lose it or forget all about it and make the consequences all that worse.

Again, it`s imperative for you to keep a cool head if you do get pulled over. Just remember the steps laid out in this article and you can get yourself out of the situation unscathed.