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This 3D Zebra Crosswalk in Iceland Should Slow Down Speeding Cars!

This 3D Zebra Crosswalk in Iceland Should Slow Down Speeding Cars 1

3D Zebra Crosswalk is painted in the small fishing town Isafjordur in Iceland in order to slow down the speeding cars that are driving on that road. This exiting ingenious idea should develop this unique innovative and experimental project for the road safety. Pedestrian crossing zebra is painted in a way of 3D optical illusion and it really appears like three dimensional object are placed on the road. This cleverly detailed innovative design should slow down the car drivers when they are passing on this part of the town.

This 3D Crosswalk Zebra in Iceland Should Slow Down Speeding Cars 2

The pedestrians are having a special feeling when they are crossing the road, because the painted 3D zebra is giving them a feeling of walking in the air. However the main purpose it to get the attention of the drivers who will slow down once they spot the 3D Zebra Crosswalk.

As you may know similar project was realized in New Delhi, India last year so the environmental commissioner of Iceland Ralf Trylla organized the placement in Iceland as well. The project was realized by the Vegmálun GÍH, painting company from Iceland.

Check out the video below, please let us know what do you think about the 3D zebra and please let us know if you would like to see one of those crosswalks in your own city. Please share this great post with your friends and family on Facebook and all the other social media.