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Top tips to help you drive in Maui

Just Started Learning How To Drive_ Here Are Some Useful Tips 1

When you visit Maui, getting a rental car is essential so that you can experience everything that the island has to offer. One of the first things you need to consider is where you are going to get your car. You should go to a trusty vendor such as Frank`s Friendly Cars Maui Car Rental LLC. As well as this though, you should also take a little bit of advice and tips to help make sure you have an enjoyable journey while drive in Maui. Here are just a few to keep in mind on your journey. 

When is the Rush Hour? 

Maui experiences its rush hour at 4 pm. Most of the roads are two-lane so it does not take a lot to create a crawl. There are lots of areas for bottlenecks that are created by traffic lights, construction, and the many visitors that come from around the world. If you are making a journey around 4 pm in Maui, then make sure to follow online maps to help you get through it and avoid any major traffic jams. 

Petrol prices

Maui is one of the most isolated islands in the world. Petrol is not cheap because of this. Whilst it is not wildly expensive but is comparable to those prices in California. A top tip from locals is that the cheapest petrol comes from Costco. It is around 50 cents less than anyone else. However, you will need to be a member to get this deal. It is also not in an ideal location. Make sure to fill up your car before your return it. 

Speed limits

The speed limits in Maui may be different from wherever you are from. In Maui, the highways have a limit of 55MPH, but this is not very visible on the signs often. When you approach a village, the speed limit does drop to 35 MPH but can rise to 45 MPH on winding roads. You can speed up when you get down towards the central valley. It should also be noted that there are tourist areas where the limit drops to 20 MPH so that you can enjoy the views of the local areas. 

Wild animals

There is not a huge number of wild animals in Maui. There are lots of wild chickens, but these very rarely cause any problems to passers-by or your car. However, there are wild pigs in the area, and these are very big. They are known to crossroads and will cause damage to your vehicle. This is also true of the cattle that roam around Maui. They are especially dangerous when you are going up winding roads where you cannot see what is around the corner. Be careful on these roads and be prepared for the unexpected. 

Driving in Maui

It is not an especially difficult task to drive in Maui, but this is only true if you take your time and enjoy the scenery. Do not speed and make sure to keep an eye out for any roaming beasts that may come across your path.