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Top Gear Extended Trailer For The LAST EPISODE Is HERE!

Top Gear Extended Trailer For The LAST EPISODE 101

Fans of the popular show “Top Gear” have reason for joy, after BBC announced it will broadcast the remaining episodes of the 22th season. This means that Top Gear will return, albeit briefly, in the format we know with Jeremy Clarkson, May and Hammond and their crazy adventures. The video below shows you the Top Gear extended trailer for the last episode.

The show will consist of several scenes and footages which were previously recorded for the season, but were not aired. Also, there will be moments in the studio with Richard and James. While this means a definitive end to the team in the show, the good side is that we will have a last chance to see the popular hosts of the show with a huge base of fans. Are you one of them?! Anyway, check out the Top Gear extended trailer!

Top Gear Extended Trailer For The LAST EPISODE 6

For the extended trailer, follow this link!