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Tips for Packing and Unpacking Box Truck Loads

Tips for Packing and Unpacking Box Truck Loads 1

Moving cargo from one destination to the next is no easy feat. However, the transport is only half of the battle. What really makes the difference is how you pack and unpack box truck loads. Doing things the right way makes the process go a lot quicker, saving you time and money. So, what’s the proper way to stack up box truck loads? Well, we’ll explain more about it in the content below.

Put the Heavy Items in First

One of the most effective ways to box truck loads is to put the heavy items in the back. Any large items that are heavy need to go in first. This is essential because it creates a bit of an anchor for the rest of the load.

Not only that, but you don’t want large, heavy items next to small, fragile ones. That’s a recipe for disaster. If a large box slides while in route, it could damage the other objects. You might also want to use a security belt to hold the heavy objects in place.

Place Heavy Boxes in the Middle

The next tip is for boxed items. Put them in the center of a truck. This is a great idea because it allows for the boxes to become secured in the middle via the items around the perimeter.

Put Small Boxes in the Front

Last but not least, you want to put small boxes and items in the front of the truck. By front, we mean the area that’s located near the opening door of the truck.

This makes it easy when it’s time to unload. Plus, it allows you to be able to separate the large items from the smaller ones.


Putting all of the items into the truck based on size makes unpacking the truckload much easier. Therefore, you can quickly get the small items out of the way first. Then you can move on to the heavy boxes.

Keep in mind that it’s easy for items to get damaged in the process of unloading. For instance, if there was a large item next to a smaller one, there’s a possibility that the big object could fall on top of other pieces of cargo.

The objective is to avoid that at all costs, and get the truck unpacked as quickly as possible. By doing so, it saves a lot of time.

But no matter how careful you are, things happen. That’s why commercial vehicle coverage is essential. However, truck insurance policy rates vary widely. Click the highlighted link to get a quote.

Handling Box Truck Loads

As you can see, there are several effective methods for packing and unpacking box truck loads. If you drive a commercial vehicle, we think these tips will help a lot.

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