This Tiny Chinese Flame Engine Looks Cool!

When it comes to small scale size models we have seen literary everything from cars to houses and in the following video we take a look at such ingenious invention which is actually a tiny flame engine.

Tiny Chinese Flame Engine Looks Cool 2

It is built with ultimate precision and it is very time consuming to complete it. It has dozens and dozens of parts which fit together perfectly hence even the slightest millimeter to the left or right would not make the engine work. So how does this flame engine actually work? The whole setup is mounted and secured on a piece of hard plastic. The whole thing is built from brass; the screws and the spindles are made from steel. On one end of the plastic a container is mounted with a thick wick on the top.

All you have to do is to pour 95% alcohol inside and light the wick and you are good to go. On the other end there are two bigger gears which enable the flame engine to rotate at a high speed. There is a tiny hole in the valve which suck up the hot air from the wick. This causes the whole system to move at a very high speed and it looks utterly amazing, though it needs some help to start it off. Then he takes the gear apart as well as the valve because they need some improvement. He finishes it on the lathe thus completing the whole built. Check the video for more and see how it looks like!

Why do jet engines sometimes spit flames? Find out here!