This Is How They Test Leaf Spring To The Limit!

There are many incredible and awesome innovations that people have created over the last couple of years, but it seems that despite that, there are situations in which the old technology is the one that we can rely on, technology that has proven to be robust and durable over the years. Hereby, even though many changes in the car industry have been made, the leaf spring has proven to be the one piece of old technology that we can still rely on. Hereby, if you want to know more about this commonly used way of suspension for our cars, make sure to check out this video.

This Is How They Test Leaf Spring To The Limit 2

Tiger brand leaf spring by Roberts AIPMC tests the durability and the strength of their awesome product. But, be aware of the fact that this video might give you much anxiety hence you would expect that any moment those strips of curved metal will break in pieces and scatter all over the place. The leaf spring is placed on a load machine that by using hydraulics applies great pressure and weight on it.

It moves and pushes it to the limit, and it seems to us that at any moment, the leaf spring will shatter in many pieces. They even repeat the same test twice and the second time it is even more intense. We do not know the exact pressure the test it out, but it must be over couple of tons.

What do you think about it?