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Watch This MIG 25 RC Model Airplane! Largest Scale Model Plane!

Mig 25 RC Scale model airplane

What we have here is another awesome R/C Airplane, and this time, no more nor less, but we have the one and only MIG 25, the top gun of the entire sky that once upon a time launched Tom Cruise`s carrier high into the Hollywood heaven and stars. But this nice looking army jet is coming from New Zealand, not from the United States. As its author is claming, it is the biggest jet powered scale MIG 25 RC model, 13.7 feet long and 95 pounds in weight, and the sound that it produce, it is like listening to the real thing, only a few volumes lower.

Taking to an account its size and total weight, it is really difficult to control it with the remote control, so you got to give it to the 18 year old Clinton who is behind the RC. As the video info is telling us, there was a second flight, very soon after this one, but unfortunately, that one did not went so well.

So here is your chance to watch this great piece of `home engineering` doing some amazing stuff up in the air. A true MIG 25 RC replica.


Enjoy the video below!

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