We are seriously suprised from this invention and this car horn is so cool! You can use it in 3 different types of situations during the ride in your car. The first one is super courtesy type of horn and is very friendly sounding…it will never offend anyone, the second one is a train horn horn that sound a bit scary and the third horn is used when you want to grab the attention on the road. So, is this the best car horn you have ever seen?
We’re all living in 2017 while this guy is living in 4017. It is actually his second Guinness World Record that he won on his car. Congratulations to this great guy for this amazing gadget! He deserves the Guinness World Record!
However, in my town you will need 3 different buttons: First its a train horn button, second one it is a very loud train horn and the third one it is a horn from a ground rumbling train. And maybe he should have a special LED sign for saying “Thanks” and other messages coming out of his car… You can now check how all the car horns sound in the video below and see if you want to have one in your car.
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