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Survivalist From TEXAS Saves His Home With AQUA DAM!

Survivalist From TEXAS Saves His Home With AQUA DAM 1

This survivalist from TEXAS saves his home from Hurricane Harvey with AQUA DAM he build after everyone in his neighborhood called him crazy.

As we all know the coastal Texas is dealing with one of the worst floods in the recent history of human kind. Thousands of people lost their homes, vehicles, valuables…actually all they had. Luckily, almost everyone is already evacuated before big consequences and suffering. The loss of property has been much bigger than the loss of life.

However, many people in Texas are already prepared for any kind of disaster. They have spend tens of thousands of dollars even to be prepared for the Zombie apocalypse. One of those “prepers” is Randy Wagner, the guy who traveled from Texas to Louisiana to buy Aqua Dam for his house which costs $8,300. He installed the Aqua Dam after the floods in Texas in 2016 and last month protected his house from Hurricane Harvey. The floodwaters had a depth of 27 inches and his dam was 30 inches tall, enough to save his property.

He said many people called him crazy and was laughing at him, but today they were all very impressed by his project.

Check out the video below to find out more about this guy and his Aqua Dam and please share this great post with your friends on Facebook.