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People Who Sing In The Car Are Happier, Healthier & Live Longer!

Singing In Your Car Is Actually One Of The Healthy Activities 11

Our cars mean everything to us and we spend hours and hours of our time in it whether that being due to obligations or simply just by pleasure, hereby your car has to make you feel relaxed and comfortable, singing might do the trick as well and according to a research, rocking your jam while you are stuck in the traffic is considered to be one of the healthy activities that you can do. We must admit that doing this is probably the same just like singing in the shower. An average American spends whooping 38 hours stuck in traffic each year, and if you do not make the best out of this time, you are going to be in for a bad time.

Luckily, there were experts who decided to prove that listening to your favorite song, or just any song, while you are in your car can reduce and lower down stress, make you more productive and efficient. Thus, this might result in a much safer ride keeping in mind that your brain is going to have much faster reactions in any potentially dangerous situation.

Moreover, singing with your whole body can result in a great heart and lung exercise. According to a study back in 2008, singing can also make you live longer as it is one of the best healthy activities. The benefits just keep on coming. Hereby, you do not have to worry whether you are going to look like some weirdo to the person in the car next to you while you are singing!

At last, here is a list of the most important activities to stay fit and healthy!