Have you ever though you can go literary everywhere, on various terrains, just by using one vehicle? It can sure be done using the SHERP ATV Vehicle.

SHERP ATV Vehicle Made in Russia 2

This Russian made jeep is all you need if you are striving for adventure and excitement. That is why we take a look at the following video which shows us how this beast works and performs out in the wilderness. This stealthy looking vehicle is the perfect solution to all of your problems. It can go through snow, water, tall grass, mud and everything else with absolute ease. It has 4 absolutely massive wheels with flaps on them to enable it to move through water. Its body is pretty simple, a steel frame with windows that can be opened to let air come in.

It can jump over barriers too! We see numerous videos from it showing off his qualities and abilities. It has a differential axle which means that it can try to get itself out when stuck. It enables to move one wheel while the other is stuck in the ground. Deep piles of mud are no match for the SHERP ATV Vehicle.

In one video from the compilation is shown how it can move through it with the help of its tires with flaps. This new concept of a vehicle is something every enthusiast or adventurist will want to have in his garage. There is not much information about the engine itself though. What do you think, how powerful it really is?

Finally, follow this link to watch the Mini Ripsaw in one furious action.