As being car lovers, we all love restoring cars or, at least, trying to keep them alive as much as we can. They mean the world to us and it literary hurts to see an awesome classic vehicle being thrown away and rusting in the bushes. These people were such car lovers who attempted an amazing thing. They tried to save the life of this rusted Fiat 642. If you are not familiar with the Fiat 642, all we can say is that this truck reigned Europe when it was introduced for the first time.
So when these guys found such truck rusting away and being stuck in the bushes, they thought that it was for some action. It was in terrible condition, there were lots of missing parts and the bushes had over grown him.
But their determination and hard work was enough to get things going. After they managed to take out the Fiat 642 from the bushes, it was time to see whether they could start the truck. After hours and hours of hard work, this mighty vehicle was heard roaring once again which satisfied everyone there. They even manage to get the truck going and drive in it.
Despite its horrible look, this awesome machine was still able to be in use. But restoring it will take lots of time and effort, but it is probably worth it. Check out the video for more and see how the Fiat 642 actually looks like! Have you ever heard about it?