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Real Mini V8 Powered RC Dodge Charger! How Cool Is That?

RC Dodge Charger Real Mini V8 Engine 1

Those who have dabbled in the field of remote control, know that these creations can be upgraded to the very limit when imitating real life machines. Of course, most of these creations are scaled down. However, custom parts will always be there to make these inventions come to life. In this video, we can see a seemingly normal 1970 RC Dodge Charger. However, don`t let that fool you. When you look inside its little engine bay, instead of a conventional gas powered RC engine or an electric RC engine, you can see a scaled down V8 engine fitted inside. A real V8 powered RC Dodge Charger! How cool is that?!

RC Dodge Charger Real Mini V8 Engine 2

Upon being fired up, you can immediately notice how much hard work and long hours were invested in this little V8 powered RC Dodge Charger. It produces a sound exactly like a full-size V8 that will bring shivers down your spine. But is it real? The only thing that lacks in this video is more demonstration, so we can truly believe the sound source. Also, we would be more than glad to see this little beast doing donuts around the place. We really hope we can see something like that in due time. Nevertheless, this is one dream RC creation for every engine and RC enthusiast. Take a look at the video below and tell us what do you think.

Finally, don’t miss the ultimate RC muscle cars drag race!