Prototype Suspension Without Springs Or Dumpers!

We live in a time where the car industry is constantly reaching and overreaching its peak point and new inventions are rolling off from the production line fairly often. This means that new designs and ideas are something that we should really much appreciate, no matter how crazy they might sound at first. Hereby, we take a look at this prototype suspension that just might be the future in the car industry and it will even last longer than your car. So what is this brand new type of suspension really about?

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Well, there is couple of things that you need to know about it. Namely, there are no springs or dampers on it and it functions purely as a double-wishbone piece that is able to absorb all of the impacts and bumps. Moreover, this is extremely lightweight suspension. In fact, it is up to 40 percent lighter than the conventional ones.

It was developed and made in Britain and it is called the Lightweight Innovative Flexible Technology. But its features will not stop here. There are even future plans that are going to make this piece of technology to even generate electric energy that is going to be further one used to power the car. Probably the best thing about it is the fact that this prototype suspension is going to have a service life of more than whooping 600,000 miles, something that cannot be said for any car these days.

What do you think about it?

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