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Extremely Satisfying Video Showcasing Silicone Being Rolled In A Silicone Factory!

Silicone Being Rolled In A Silicone Factory 2

If you are looking for something to ease you mind we have the perfect video for you today. Look no further, because this extremely satisfying footage demonstrates silicone being rolled incredibly slowly is bound to do that for you. The result is a tight, slick and glossy silicon being transformed into a perfectly rounded tube in this silicone factory.

Silicone Being Rolled In A Silicone Factory 4

This is probably the smoothest edges of an object we have ever seen. The video comes from Cruz Culture which is a very successful silicone factory based in Santa Cruz, CA. The bright white and red colors of the silicon are entirely distinct from each other.

However, as the spinning silicone is flattened and squeezed, the colors merge together delivering a light red finished product. We said that this is very satisfying to watch. However, some viewers disagree with this and say that the worker`s hands are very close to the rollers. They are afraid that this can cause a gruesome accident. Nevertheless, this has been declined by experts saying that the rollers have a safety circuit. This means that if a conductive object comes in contact with the rollers, the system immediately stops the cylinders from rolling. So, no fret, this guy knows what he is doing so just lay back and enjoy the mesmerizing footage below that comes from a silicone factory!

Finally, read more about this element and its characteristics!