The POWERFIST Can Break Through Anything!

As we all know YouTube It’s a huge media and some of the video might go viral very fast. That was the case with this video about The POWERFIST intentional product that might brake anything. This gadget is based on the accessory from the Fallout 4 video game. This video got 3.000.000 views in just one week and it has the biggest number of views on their YouTube channel.

The POWERFIST Can Break Trough Anything 3

After we did a little research on the internet, we find out the backpack is actually tank full of CO2. That tank provides 300 pounds additionally just in the moment of impact. According to this The POWERFIST is actually very useful gadget and it might be used by the police officers.

Also, this thing might be very fun to use against doors or doorknobs for everything that gets in the way as can be seen on the video below. The doorknobs offered very little resistance to the The Powerfist at the beginning. Than the standard door offered little bit more of resistance and the last door took a little more work because was nailed around the perimeter.

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