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FUTURISTIC PORTABLE Home Powered By Renewable Resources!

It would have been inappropriate if we`d written that tomorrow`s things are here. In fact, we are already living the future we have always imagined (more or less). There are new technological marvels coming up each and every day giving us the freedom to express ourselves like this. In today`s article we are going to mention something about the miniature portable home better known as ECOCAPSULES.

PORTABLE Home Powered By Renewable Resources! The ECOCAPSULES 22

PORTABLE Home Powered By Renewable Resources! The ECOCAPSULES 8 PORTABLE Home Powered By Renewable Resources! The ECOCAPSULES 6

The egg-shaped portable mini home is designed by a group of architects based in Bratislava called Nice Architects. They claim that you can live off the grid for an entire year! Every single mini home has solar panels on top, a wind turbine that can be reattached and it is built in a way to collect rain water. On the other hand, the interior is pretty cozy, although there is room for maximum two individuals. There, you have a running water kitchenette, hot water shower and a flushing toilet on your disposal. Moreover, there are two openable windows, flexible storage, foldable bed and space where you can both work and dine! You have got to admit, it is quite a challenge to fit all this and still leave an 8 square meters of living space!

Planning to buy a portable home? Get some ideas by seeing the best of the best on this link.