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Plumbers Pull A Hilarious Prank On Electrician! Just Wait For It!

Sure, a plumber`s job is to deal with pipes and toilets, however, they also have the opportunity to prank the electrician they work with. In this video, we can see a perfect example where the plumbers are pranking the electrician with pulling one hilarious prank.

To be honest, we didn`t know that such a rivalry between plumbers and electricians existed, nevertheless, it looks like a pretty fierce pranking competition. Having said that, building sites are dangerous places on their own, but with these people pranking each other it becomes a bit more dangerous. We don`t know if we can blame them though, this here looks like ritualistic showdowns that have a lot of tradition in them. Who knows how this rivalry started though?

Nevertheless, these two groups are equally important because our buildings and homes would not work without both of these groups. In this one, you can see one hilarious prank which is made by the plumbers to prank the electrician. You can see the electrician trying to kick the plumber`s clay pipe. However, the electrician is in for quite the surprise.

To be fair, this could`ve ended as a very nasty prank as the electrician could`ve broken his foot and this could`ve been a video how a group of plumbers got sued for a lot of money.

Nevertheless, nothing bad happened and it ended up just as a funny prank. The electrician managed to receive this funny prank as a positive thing as well and didn`t get upset at all. He just gave them laughed hard and gave the plumbers a handshake.

At last, check out this hilarious diesel smoke prank!