Optimizing your Car Audio – What terms do I need to know?

Jargon. When it comes to cars, there`s a lot of it. And when you get into the world of audio systems, you`d better be prepared to meet a whole deal more. Finding the right audio system for your care can be the icing on the cake of a perfect build and help make an agonizing drive into a chance to catch up on your album backlog. But when it comes to finding the right extras and add-ons for your car audio in Sydney, Melbourne or further afield; it`s easy to get confused about what`s worth picking up and what can be left by the side of the road.

Optimizing your Car Audio What terms do I need to know 1

So, what are some of the most useful terms to know when it comes to audio quality and…well, what the hell do they actually mean?

What terms do I need to know?

Auxiliary Input (AUX): This is a dedicated input that allows for devices to be directly plugged into your speaker system, allowing you to select it as its own channel. With many devices powered by Bluetooth, this is slowly becoming more obsolete but is helpful to have if you use older or dedicated playback options.  

Bass/Treble: Common terms in music, bass refers to what are known as low-frequency sounds and treble covers high frequency sounds. In plain English, bass refers to `deep` sounds (like the strings on a bass guitar) and treble covers higher notes (like the strings on a violin). Finding a system that captures solid bass and treble quality is essential and asking for demonstrations of both is vital.

Speakers: Unfortunately, no single speaker can fully replicate the range of frequencies in a song. This makes it essential to select a range of speakers with dedicated tasks to install in your vehicle. While there are a range of specialist options to consider, there are four major subdivisions that include-

Subwoofers -- Designed to project lower channels, these help add to the low frequency range and are essential for those seeking to add body to their music.

Mid-Bass -- These are a step up from subwoofers and handle upper bass sounds and midrange audio, with many male singing voices falling into this range.

Midrange -- The `bread and butter` speaker, most audible sounds fall into this spectrum. If you`re singling out a type of speaker to blow a little extra cash on, it`s this one!

Tweeters -- These cover the higher end of the audio spectrum and cover the female voice and other higher pitched sounds and instruments.

Source Unit: This acts as the `source` of your audio input and can range from the radio in your car all the way to an integrated playback system with a range of interface options. Deciding on the right source unit or allowing for modularity and the ability to swap it out in future is essential. Taking the time to design your system to take additional inputs can make future change easier, cheaper, and much less time consuming.