Now this is something really awesome. Jeremy from British Top Gear, had come up with this crazy and original idea to organize a `drag challenge` between the world`s fastest road car, Nissan Skyline GTR and one of the fastest female athletes in the world, the Australian 100 meters champion, Australian runner Michelle Jenneke.
I`m sure that the great Nissan GTR does not need much of introduction, except the raw facts that it is equipped with an engine that generates 485 HP and a four wheel drive, the fastest road car in the world, with a perfect launch control, bla, bla, bla…
And its opponent is the Australian runner Michelle Jenneke. For those of you who don`t know much about sports, except cars, this athlete is Australian 100 meters hurdles women`s champion, who actually became famous for her warm up routine before each race -- her dancing moves.
So, according to Jeremy, the most important question in motorsport – which is faster? A Nissan GTR or a woman? – will be answered in this race.
So go ahead and find out! I guarantee that you will have a good time watching it and a lot of fun!