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NASCAR Champion Jimmie Johnson 900HP ’67 Chevy Camaro!

NASCAR Champion Jimmie Johnson 67 Camaro

As you already know, we`re keeping the track of new awesome videos on beastly vehicles, but this one somehow managed to hide from our observing eye. It is the vehicle of Jimmie Johnson, who was very kind to show us his 1967 Candy Red Camaro. NASCAR Champion Jimmie Johnson built himself this vehicle around an engine created in memory of Randy Dorton. The best boosts 900 horsepower, so it`s not the best choice to drive around the streets. The motor of the car was removed and replaced with a LS9 engine, making it more comfortable to drive along the streets. So, if you wanna know where the original engine ended up check out this video.

Read more NASCAR news here!

Enjoy the video below!

Jimmie Johnson '67 Camaro 2


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