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Meet The GHOST Warship – $15M Combat Boat Invisible To The Radar!

GHOST Warship Meet The GHOST - $15M Combat Boat Invisible For The RADAR! The Military Doesn’t OWN IT! Would YOU 2

When it is a question of things invisible to the radar, what is the first one that comes to your mind? Possibly Harry Potter`s invisible cloak? Or the popular STEALTH aircraft? We think that the second option is much more possible. We mentioned the STEALTH because this item we want to show you reminds is of that warplane. We are talking about the GHOST warship that is invisible to hostile radars. As Gregory Sancoff, a president and CEO of “Juliet Marine Systems” explains that the navy`s biggest challenge is to operate in areas with denied access, and the GHOST is capable of doing so. Furthermore, the CEO and also the creator of this unit has spent around $5 million of his own money.

He adds that these types of units must be available for the government if they need things like the GHOST. So far, the costs for developing the GHOST warship reached the number of $15 million. Moreover, Mr. Sancoff describes how easy is to control the GHOST only with a steering joystick and the rest is left to the computer and the jet engines. It is important to mention that the government doesn`t own the GHOST and there is no guarantee that it will.

Plus, if you want to read more about the ‘top secret’ stealth boats designed for Navy SEALs that were spotted on the Columbia river last year, follow this link.