Massive Pipes Appeared at the Beach of Norfolk, England!

You can bump into various things while exploring the beach, but these people were left in shock when they saw these massive pipes left lying on the coast of Norfolk. Nobody knew where they came from and how could there be no trail of how they ended up here. To put in perspective how huge they actually are, a BBC helicopter was filming the whole situation. It began filming from one end of the pipe going to the other end, and it kept going, and going, and going, until it finally reached it. There were people exploring it and looking at what is inside.

Massive Pipes beach appearead nowhere 1

Construction workers and engineers came in for help but it seemed as if they were in shock too! So where did they come after all? These massive pipes, each measuring 1,574ft or 480m long, were washed up on shore when they were let loose while being transported to Algeria for a huge project. Eleven more of these, to be precise! Once you put that in perspective, one pipe measures as much as FIVE Big Bens. They were huge in diameter too, 8ft or 2.4m wide to be exact. That is the same as a London bus. We can see people climbing up them and taking a walk.

The news spread out fairly fast and more and more people come at the spot just to take a look at them. People take photos and shoot videos. A plan is under development to remove them from the beach.

At last, here are the strangest things people have found at the beach.