Imagine this – you`re in your workshop and for some reason you need a hatchet, but you remember you left it in that tree trunk all the way in the forest. As ridiculous as this premise is, let`s assume that you`re going to want to make your own DIY hatchet.
So, what do you do? Apparently, you just grab your thousands of dollars worth of machines, a piece of pre-forged iron and get to work! First, you draw the shape on the piece of metal and then you cut it in the shape that you want your hatchet. After a lot of detailing, oiling, scrubbing and drying, you are finally left with the primary piece for your new tool – the entire metal part that will form the center of the hatchet.
After that, it`s just a matter of getting some wood, cutting it into the shape of a handle along with some metal to cushion the wood. Meanwhile, your DIY hatchet needs to have the protruded metal part (which will form the striking part) covered in paper so that it doesn`t get all messy while you put the handle on there. Then, you fine-tune the handle using some very soft sandpaper so it gets very smooth and comfortable to wield.
Finally, after a lot of sanding down and detailing the wooden screws that go in the handle, you finish off the wood with some gloss paint that will give it a nice dark color, you sharpen the striking surface on a whetstone and presto – you have your own DIY hatchet. Of course, you`re going to need to prepare your thousands of dollars worth of equipment, but you`ll get it done!
Before you go, check out this DIY guide on how to make a hoverboard! Don’t miss this very easy and cool guide!
How to Make Your Own DIY Hatchet LIKE
ViralMega --
Posted by ViralMega on Friday, May 12, 2017