Ken Block Takes His Fans For An Exciting Ride AKA Scaring Passenger Days!

There are not many people in this world who have the same driving and car stunt skills such as the one and only, the man we all fell in love over the years, Ken Block. He came in like a blast many years ago when he was carving his way out to the glory and fame, and it can be easily said that most of us, if not all, are familiar with his capabilities and skills. However, not everyone had this rare chance of getting inside his mighty Ford Fiesta RX43 and going for an extremely exciting ride. Be aware, once you are inside it, prepare for everything and make sure that you are buckled in nicely at the Scaring Passenger Days!

Ken Block Takes His Fans For An Exciting Ride AKA Scaring Passenger Days 2

This is exactly what some of his fans in Johannesburg experienced at the latest Gymkhana Grid event. As we all know, the Gymkhana videos are some of the most exciting ones, hence the man behind the wheel is none other than Ken Block. It was time for yet another such video and some lucky people who got the chance to sit next to him, have had the most exciting ride in their life, a ride they will hardly ever forget.

If you agree on sitting in his Ford Fiesta RX43 next to him, you must be prepared for everything hence Ken Block can do absolutely anything with the car, drifts and drags unlike any you have experienced so far.

Check the video for more and see what the people`s reaction really is! What do you think about this Scaring Passenger Days!