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Just Keep’em Coming! Watch This GTR R34 at Santa Pod Raceway!

Nissan Skyline GT-R R34 at Santa Pod Raceway

The following video is coming from Santa Pod raceway in UK, where this great Fast & Furious alike Nissan GTR R34 really performs well. One after another, many modified beasts are coming, but they all have to satisfy with looking at its tailpipe.

Now, the following video that we have prepared for you in today`s post, will be a real treat and pure three and a half minutes of joy and fun for all those Nissan Skyline GTR R34 fans. Probably one of the best proofs that when it comes to street racing cars, there never was, nor will be, a better sports car than GTR R34 (GT-R R35 included).

You probably know it better than I do that there is a debate amongst the GTR fans about which of the R34 and R35 models is better and more awesome. But despite of many fans of R35, it seems that the general opinion is that the older brother is absolute monarch of every drag strip, every street and race track in the whole world. And to tell you the truth, even though R35 looks more refined and luxurious, I also think that the street race spirit can is much better incarnated in R34.


Enjoy the video below!

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