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Japanese Girl Mastered Working On This Tire Replacement Machine!

Pretty Japanese Girl Heavy Work Tire Replacement Machine 1

Even though car changing is a pretty simple life skill, it can be tedious when attempting for the first time. However, after you complete this task the first time, it`s pretty easy afterwards. This beautiful Japanese girl in the video below, has mastered this Tire Replacement Machine! It`s pretty unusual to see girls like this doing heavy work like that.

Pretty Japanese Girl Heavy Work Tire Replacement Machine 4

However, she is not waiting for anyone to change that tire. As you can see in the video she knows how to work with the tire replacement machine. We can even turn this video into a how to use a tire replacement machine tutorial. Yeah, it`s that good!

As you can see in the video, using the left pedal on the tire replacement machine she already locked the tire on the table. We are also assuming that she placed some rubber glue around the bead. That will make the job a lot easier. What she did next was locking that arm on the bead. Then, using a tire iron, she is pulling the bead over the top of the tool. Lastly, by using the pedal on the right, the tire is slowly coming off. As the machine is working she is then pushing the fresh tire down. She definitely doesn`t need a man to change that tire for her.

Finally, click here to watch one funny and sarcastic women’s guide to changing a tire.