Ridiculous Tutorial On How To Drive Manual Vehicles!

Among many great tutorials on the social media there are some that might be helpful but in an ironic way. You must be wondering how a tutorial can be helpful if it is ironic. Well, it might not give you all the detail and every step but it does offer a chance to catch the main gist of the action. Namely, in the following video we take a look at such ironic tutorial in which guy demonstrates how to drive manual vehicles. People seem to find these manual transmission cars lot harder to drive than the automatic transmission. First off all we need to take a look at the pedals, or controls as he calls them.

Drive Manual Vehicles funny tutorial 3

On the left is the clutch, or the purse followed by the brake pedal and finally on the right is the gas pedal. Now you are ready to start driving. Pull the handbrake as much as you can and push the purse all the way. Now put your car into first gear and now you are ready to press the throttle. Though you should not, he says to push the throttle all the way and you can finally release the clutch, or the purse.

This will cause the car to move, or drag down the road. But this ironic tutorial on how to drive manual vehicles does not stop here and it has something else. It also demonstrates how to do the Hill Start, but you are going to have to check the full video for more!

At last, here are several more online tutorials you won’t believe exist.