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Impatient Truck Driver Gets Taught A Lesson!

Impatient Truck Driver train runs road 4

This impatient truck driver gets an instant karma on the road for not waiting for 2 more seconds… What a stupid mistake!

Impatient Truck Driver train runs road 2

Another Russian situation right here. When a freight train passes, you don`t want to be that guy that honks at it – it`s not going to go any faster and you`re just making everybody angrier. However, if you`re this impatient truck driver, you take one extra step – you don`t even wait for the entire train to pass. Instead, you just keep on trudging ahead with your truck loaded with heavy machinery, even though a piece of the train is still in front of you.

Well, he might not have seen that crane since it was higher than the position of the cabin, but still, this is a clear lesson for the future -- until you see the train leave, do not proceed forward, and if you do, do it with much more caution that this!

What happened with this impatient truck driver is that he couldn`t or wouldn`t wait for the train to pass completely, so he went ahead. However, the train had other plans – it had a crane hanging out the back because it didn`t really fit on the wagons.

That crane is what caught on the little dozer in the back of the truck, dragged it for a bit and then turned it on its side, along with its impatient carrier.

Sure, this must have had major material damages, traffic holdups and a lot of laughing and pointing, but seeing those stacks of paper just fall on the guys head after he gets angry for flipping his truck is just priceless!

It doesn`t look like anybody was injured and if they were, I hope they have recovered.

Are you a truck driver? Here are the best cities for living with this job!