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Hurricane Harvey Warning! Beware of Alligators!

Hurricane Harvey Warning Beware of Alligators 2

Believe it or not but this is true and there is an official Hurricane Harvey Warning! The people from coastal Texas should Beware of Alligators!

As can be seen on the video from FNC, the reporter Casey Stegall reports about the alligators moving to higher ground in some of the cities in coastal Texas due to Hurricane Harvey flooding. An alligator together with a hurricane, it sounds like something that already happened in Australia, not in the US, but this is the cruel truth. However, as we all know the alligators are just trying to stay alive in the floods, the same as the humans, but please be cautious and find safety.

I really hope that all the Americans will help out their fellow Texans people. It is time to unite, respect each other and really live together as a prosperous country. It is really sad for all those people who don’t have any food or water at the moment. We should all donate food, water and other supplies to the people who cannot afford it at the moment.

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