Homeless Cop Is The New Tennessee Method!

A homeless cop is not something you see every day! Being stopped by the police is not something you would want to. They might be waiting for you just around the corner to make a mistake. But we are all aware of that and we are all precautious when we see a bright green jacket on the next corner. That is what the police from Tennessee knew and decided to make something different and something no one would expect to happen. Their goal was to raise the awareness and catch all of the drivers who text or talk on the phone while driving. They set a Homeless Cop on streets across the town.

Homeless Cop Tennessee 2

So what is a Homeless Cop? It is a cop from the Tennessee Police Department but is disguised as a homeless man. His job is pretty simple. He stands with a sign in his arms and is constantly watching for drivers who text and talk on their phones. Then he transfers the information to the cops waiting just across the street. Then the cops stop the drivers either warns them or fines them. The reactions they got from the drivers themselves vary.

Some accept the fact that they made a mistake, some not so much and they even get into verbal fights with the cops. They started this just at the same time the school year started and the locations were randomly chosen. What do you think, is this method of a Homeless Cop a step forward or will people get the idea fairly quickly before it sinks in?

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