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Everything You Need To Know About The HEEL & TOE Shifting!

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Yes, we have previously taken a look at dozens of ways that you can use to have a much smoother and relaxed driving, but how of you actually use the Heel and Toe downshifting? Well, if you are out there on the road most of your time or you simply enjoy having a peaceful ride in your car, then you must know how to do it. There are couples of things that are going on in your engine and your transmission while you do so. To perform this Heel & Toe downshifting there are couple of steps that you need to follow in order to make it smooth.  Obviously, firstly you need to press the brake, which is then followed by pressing the clutch.

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The next step is somewhat the most difficult one. You are going to need to press the acceleration pedal at the same time as you are holding the brake with your heel, which is how it has got its name. This is going to lower the gear down, thus eventually you can release off the clutch and have a smooth transmission of gears.

In this amazing video, one of our favorite hosts from the YouTube channel Engineering Explained, takes us through everything you need to know about the engine and the transmission itself in a nice drawing on the black boars. Hereby, make sure to go through the whole and find out all the peculiar details that happen during the Heel and Toe shifting!

At last, check out this Nissan GTR shooting flames while shifting gears!