Gravel, sand and stone are naturally occurring resources and their whereabouts is determined by examining the local geology. Having said that, a quarry needs to be located where these natural materials are situated. However, in order to establish an efficient quarry you also need to have efficient transport routes. All of these materials must be transported to various places where they are required like for example construction sites. With good roads, this can be achieved more efficiently and at a lower cost. In this one, we check a compilation on various quarry sights, how they operate and their heavy quarry equipment. You can witness several wins and fails.
The process begins by crushing off huge chunks of rock out of the quarry walls. This is usually done through controlled explosions. However, you also need various other heavy quarry equipment like bulldozers to complete different tasks. This mega equipment is shown transporting big blocks of rock to the needed destination. Usually, these machines don`t have any problems, but sometimes great difficulties arise. We can even see one Volvo bulldozer completely overtaken by the massive rock block. There are also other types of bulldozers like Hitachi and Cat. Watch the video below and take a look at the everyday life of these glorious machines. Life in a quarry sure can be tough.
Take a look at the prices when it comes to heavy equipment, here!