A major accident can result in a wide range of injuries, with back injuries being among the most common. The back is a sensitive area, and injuries could result in permanent disabilities, especially if the spinal cord is injured. While some back injuries may not be reversible, proper medical care can help a victim get as close to the old self as possible. Also, mistakes in aftercare can be catastrophic or cause delayed healing. If you have suffered back injuries after a major collision this guide offers tips to help shorten your healing journey.
Common Back Injuries After an Accident
A back injury is a blanket term that covers a wide range of injuries to the back. One common back injury in an accident is whiplash. Whiplash is an injury to the muscles and tendons in the neck area resulting from over-exertion when the head is rocked violently in an accident.
Muscle strain and sprains are also common injuries in car accidents. Like whiplash, back muscle pain results from over-exertion of back tissues as the body is thrown about in an accident. Often, tissue strains resolve quickly.
The most severe back injury is a spinal cord injury. This type of injury goes beyond the tissue to affect the spinal cord. The spinal cord starts at the base of the head and runs to where the back meets the pelvic bone. Spinal cord injuries can be incomplete and reversible or complete, which is irreversible.
What to Do to Hasten Healing
Seek Immediate Medical Attention
When an accident results in severe spinal cord injuries, the symptoms may be obvious at the scene because you could experience paralysis in areas below the point of injuries.
However, there are situations where the symptoms may not be immediate, for example, when you have whiplash or a minor case of a herniated disc.
But failure to show symptoms does not mean that you are off the woods yet. Some injuries can take time to manifest, so getting a doctor’s clearance is always good.
File a Lawsuit With the At-Fault Party
Filling a lawsuit may not help hasten your healing directly. However, it can help you access funds that can help you get the care you need, especially if your injuries result in long-term disabilities.
A lawsuit may take years to resolve, but having an ongoing lawsuit can help you access financing for treatment from contingency fee lenders. The quality of your legal counsel makes a huge difference when accessing funding.
So if you suffer injuries in a high-impact car accident such as a truck accident, the best option would be to work with experienced attorneys such as Abels & Annes to represent you and help you navigate your case.
Get Enough Rest
Getting sufficient rest is essential for healing. Often the doctor will recommend rest and put it in writing.
A written rest recommendation from the doctor is essential when claiming lost wages. Car accident Insurers can only pay for lost wages if the doctor recommends that you take a break from work.
The last thing you want to do is engage in an activity that results in exertion in the affected area. Besides the physical pain, you could experience, exerting pressure on the affected part can cause a deterioration of your cognition.
Get Physical Therapy
Getting in shape after a back injury can be a considerable challenge, primarily if your injuries result in loss of function in some body parts such as the arms, legs, or both.
Therefore it is important to get therapy from a licensed practitioner. If therapy is part of your treating doctor’s recommendations, the cost of therapy will be recoverable in the lawsuit.
The seriousness of back injuries cannot be downplayed. However, the steps mentioned above can help get you to the best version of yourself after an injury.