Wonder how to ruin your car intentionally by car washing? Well, this is one way. This peculiar lady demonstrates how we can ruin a car by car washing at first hand. But is she doing this intentionally or not, we may never know. She may be doing this on purpose and we may all be wrong for laughing. Because you need to be out of your mind in epic proportions to do such thing. But who knows, maybe she really got something huge going on inside her head. You know, we all have our own problems, right?
On purpose or not let`s get to the facts why this car washing move is just not plausible. She gets the dirt out of the carpet using soap. Then, she gets that soup out with water. But the thing we wonder is how in the world is she going to get the nasty, soapy water out of that car? Maybe take a trip to the hardware store, buy a power drill and drill a number of holes through the bottom? Because that nasty, soapy water will soak in that interior and it got nowhere to go. We just can`t stop but wonder where she is getting at with this crazy car washing move. But, on second thought, maybe there really is a solution for her difficulty. She can get a wet vacuum cleaner and spray water all around the interior. Then she can just suck it up again. Actually, that maybe doesn`t sound like a bad plan. But nope, we truly are not encouraging for you to try and do a car wash like the lady in the video and then to try and get the water out this way.
So, what was the problem with the lady? Did a skunk sleep in the car? Is she a revengeful girlfriend? Or, simply she is just a bit looney. Oh well, people and their problems nowadays.