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How A ROTARY Engine Works! This Video Provides A Thorough Explanation!

How A ROTARY Engine Works Thorough Explanation 4

We strongly believe that there is absolutely no Gearhead who does not know how a rotary engine works. However, if there are such persons (we see no shame in that, it happens), their number hopefully will be brought to a minimum by the video we have prepared for you today. Namely, it features a detailed explanation of how actually the rotary engine works.

The man explaining and the slow revolving rotor are the perfect combination to learn a bit more about the core of the rotary motor. Also, we hope that this video will be of use in the future for those who already are familiar with the working process of a rotary engine, but they would like to refresh their memory.

In the video below, you have the chance to see a full size model of a typical rotary motor. This motor is manufactured by the Japanese carmaker Mazda, which is a 12a configuration engine, 1200cc. Moreover, the man kindly explains every single process inside a rotary engine by turning the model engine on and off.

By doing so, you can closely observe where the gas comes from. The gas comes from the intake board. And it pulls gas all the way until the rotor shuts off the port. Then you can see how it is pressed to the epitrochoid surface where the spark plug ignites the volume of gas. At the epitrochoid surface the leading plug and the trading plug fires and create an explosion. This power stroke runs all the way down till the exhaust port opens up. Afterwards you can see where the ignited gas goes out. In this very helpful lesson on how a rotary engine works we can also see all of its components. We can see a two stroke porting with intake, compression, ignition and exhaust.

Finally, click here to watch another explanation video that compares the rotary engine with the standard one or you can check out US Mechanic website for  an extensive digital library of learning resources for future mechanics