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Paul Sr. and Mikey Are Trying To Launch A New American Chopper SHOW!

American Chopper TV show

As you may know, the famous American Chopper TV show is almost eight years off of the air.

However, something is going on behind the doors of the motorcycle shop Orange County Chopper motorcycle shop. So, we hope we will see them on television again, because they were one of the best TV shows and they have built some really nice bikes. On the video below you can watch the interview with Paul Sr. & Mikey with all the details on what happened trough the course of the American Chopper  TV show. The TV cameras could not give us a clear picture of what is really happening in this shop, so this interview will clear the things.

They will unveil all the details for their transition from the old show to the new one, including the details about the entertaining business they have.

You will have a chance to see how they will use the crowd funding in order to get more people on board and how will they build some capital to get the things started. Anyway, they should get more active on their Facebook page, as the last thing they posted is more than 5 months ago.

So, what do you think, is the family working together on their master plan? Do you believe this will be a successful show like the first one? Would you watch the new American Chopper  TV show with Paul Sr. and Mikey?

Please share your thoughts with us and tell us what do you think in the comments section below.