This Is Why You Should Check Your Shock Absorbers!

Taking care and maintaining your car is something we should all do as we can prevent certain damage in advance and in the following video you are going to see a detailed explanation of what can happen if you have worn shock absorbers.

Shock Absorbers check how tutorial work test 3

This video was made by Monroe and it presents how this can affect your vehicle control and safety. A triangle of the suspension, brakes and the tires is formed to easily understand everything. In the first demonstration we can see how worn shock absorbers affect the road-handling and comfort. They make a side to side comparison with two cars. These absorbers control the spring movement to maximize tire contact with the road. The car with worn shock absorbers seems to be shaking vigorously and the people inside are having a rough ride.

Further down in the video there is a demonstration on the roll control and handling. The car with solid shock absorbers seems to be taking those turn at a more straight line than the one with the worn out ones thus meaning that you could take a turn at a high speed while still having full control of your car. This will improve your safety by a lot. Inspecting, and if necessary replacing, your shock absorbers on every 20,000km will improve the roll control and handling, enhance cabin stability and provide a smoother ride.

There is also a demonstration on how they affect the braking distance. Check the video for more and see the rest of the demonstrations!

Finally, here is everything you wanted to know about shock absorbers.