Let`s talk a little bit about being late for work! How`s that working for you? Happened many times right, no matter what you do, no matter what cab company you call, you just can`t make it on time with all those red lights and traffic jams! Well, maybe it sounds impossible, but KEN BLOCK here, gave Kevin Negandhi, ESPN SportsCenter host, a lift to work, and he was at the ESPN Campus in no time! The HOONIGAN Ford Mustang was in action this time as it performed the Gymkhana stunts on real streets! No matter how fast and drifty the ride was, it was still very comfortable as Kev fell asleep at one point!
Not only was it a fast and mad ride with all the burning tires and excitement, Ken Block even obeyed the rules and stopped in front of a pedestrian crossing, where a woman and a dear crossed (don`t ask why)! However, Kevin Negandhi did not seem as excited to be driven by Ken Block himself as he used the time for napping, solving Sudoku riddles and getting his briefcase prepared! It was and awkward and bumpy ride, but it`s the only way Ken knows! Check out the Ken Block ESPN Campus visit!
At last, click here to see how Ken Block slays the tires of the 1978 Ford Escort Mk2 RS Gymkhana Machine!