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These Driving Habits Destroy Your Car And Empty Your Pockets!

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The longer you have a car, the more driving habits you get over the years. However, not all of these habits are good for you, your car or your wallet. When you`ve been driving for a while and have your habits in place, it`s nearly impossible to have you break the negative habits and replace them with something that won`t kill your will to drive. Here are some of these bad habits. First of all is resting your hand on the gear stick. When you do this, you put unneeded pressure on the gearbox, which in turn can lead to problems with shifting gears over time.

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Another mistake is refueling when your tank is almost empty – you should always avoid this, but especially in winter.

Another one of these bad driving habits is frequent braking, which can damage your brake pads over time, but then again everything will damage something over time, so I would definitely question the validity of this. The next bad habit in this video is ignoring suspicious sounds, which we all know is a really bad thing to do since any noise can mean something is wrong with the car and more often than not, it does.

Also, you should always pull your hand brake when you`re parked on an inclined road, of course. I had no idea people don`t do this, but if you park without a handbrake, stop that. The final two bad driving habits are driving a cold engine at high revs and keeping your foot on the brake while driving downhill, we`ll let you figure these out for yourself.

Finally, check out these most dangerous roads!