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V8 Anglia Bursts Into Flames while Doing Donuts & Burnouts!

v8 anglia burnout

It is one of those videos when people do crazy and stupid things with their vehicles and almost got themselves killed in the process. The one that you are about to see in the video bellow is a typical example of that kind of behavior and driving. What we have here is a highly modified and tuned up V8 Anglia doing some rubber burnouts and donuts on the strip, to entertain the audience and give them a spectacle at the end of its performance. And as it often turns out to be, some things are not meant for everyone and anything, but persistent guys like this one in the video, simply do not know when to say stop or enough and get over with it.

So after a few seconds of rubber burning and a lot of smoke, the vehicle caught on fire and got only seconds before it completely burst into flames and tuned itself into a big firecracker. Fortunately, everything was over quick and the security guys put down the flames fast.

Watch the video and take it as an example not to do this kind of thing yourself if you do not want to end up in the obituary section of the newspapers.

Enjoy the video below!

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