Car dent is probably one of the most irritating problems that can happen to our lovely cars. A parking lot pole or a small accident… there are numerous situations where you can earn some ugly looking car dents. Luckily, so far, we have come up with several solutions on how to repair them. The most impressive was introduced by one Japanese family who used 2 hair dryers and some paint to repair the bumper dent of their Toyota Prius. But now even that method sounds complicated, as we have a more innovative solution where you will only need a heat gun and a can of compressed gas duster.

So, here are the steps. You begin by heating the affected area for 3-5 minutes. Keep the heat source moving to avoid damage to the paint. Then, quench the affected area with the liquid coolant for about 10 seconds. Afterwards, dry the surface and repeat the heating and the cooling process as-needed. Meanwhile, don`t forget that a little persuasive, but careful tapping around the dent can do wonders! Maybe at the end the dent will not totally disappear, but after repeated attempts, it will look much smaller and less severe. And you get all of that for just 15 minutes and $4. So the answer is heat gun and compressed gas duster!

Finally, follow this link to find out how a gas nozzle works!