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You Can Get Very COOL Designs With Hydro Dipping!

Cool Designs Hydro Dipping 2

Hydro Dipping is one of the most innovative ways for getting cool designs. Check this out!

Cool Designs Hydro Dipping 1

The automobile industry is more advanced than ever. People are constantly coming up with new solutions to some problems from the past. They also come up with ways to make their job easier and far more interesting. Painting your vehicle parts has never been more inspiring than this and this new process of painting is called Hydro Dipping. It literary does the job on its own. All you have to do is to place the part you wish to be painted and you are done. Of course this process requires expertise as not everyone can do it. The right angle as well as the proper timing of placing the part in the dip is crucial. Yet it is something which looks utterly simple.

We take a look at such process in the following video where several parts are being hydro dipped. And the patterns you can do are literary infinite. Whatever you come up with can be transferred in the dip. Though the process of placing the color in the water is not shown, this video is very satisfying to look at. Wanted to paint the head of you engine? No problem! Hydro dipping is all you need.

The part is held at a place where the paint will not be added and it is carefully lowered inside the water. You need a steady hand for this as even the slightest mistake can ruin the whole project. What do you think, would you like to have your part Hydro Dipped?

For more information about this creative technique, follow this link.