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Beyond Self-Driven Cars: Upcoming Technology Innovations That Will Improve Road Safety

Beyond Self-Driven Cars Upcoming Technology Innovations That Will Improve Road Safety 2

Every year, 1.3 million people die on the roads across the world, leaving millions more injured. Thankfully, as the concerns for road safety is on the rise, automobile manufacturers are turning their focus on new innovation tech to make our roads safe for travel. To achieve the desired results of zero fatalities, it is important to observe the common causes of these devastating statistics. Distracted driving is a major concern in countries all over the world. In fact, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reports that distracting driving claimed nearly 3,500 lives and injured another 390,000 in 2016 alone. While there’s still a long way to go before the general public starts using self-driving vehicles, that isn’t stopping tech companies from developing the next innovations in transportation. Check out the next upcoming technology innovations that will improve road safety.

Speed-Detected Video Monitoring

Drivers may see speed-detection cameras as undesirable or rather unnecessary. However, the reality is that speed detection plays a strong role in road discipline and safety. When you consider the number of those affected by even a single road accident, it’s easier to accept the importance of legalized speed sense and the value of speed monitors in protecting us from the unnecessary events.

Smart Road LED Studs

Smart transportation isn’t limited to smarter vehicles. The NHTSA states that rear-end collisions account for 29% of motor accidents. As the first project of its kind, Highways England is preparing to install 170 Led road studs at a major junction used by over 90,000 vehicles per day. The smart road studs will recognize when traffic lights turn from green to red, enabling drives to see which lane to follow. Along with other innovative road improvements, light-up road studs will make driving easier to navigate the junction and benefit thousands of drivers who travel through it each day.

Solar-Energized Roads

In addition to smart LED roads, another project is based on installing solar panels on the glass. What started out as a minor project is not fully equipped with LEDs and microprocessors. Solar roadways will involve the use of renewable glass that is stronger than steel and will not harm the environment. Despite being glass, road engineers claim that the surface will help drivers stop safely, even at top speed.

Let’s keep an eye out for these new concepts and how they could be applied to real-world driving applications. With a holistic approach to road safety, this could help drivers lead towards advanced roadway technologies and a promise of safety of tomorrow’s roads.