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bus doing donuts 3 TN

When you think about it, buses play an important part in our everyday lives. Since you are a little kid a yellow school bus takes you to school. For most of the kids that was the most fun part of the whole “school process”! OK, some of the kids did not like it, but they definitely preferred it over their moms taking them in the family minivan! Especially if it’s a bus doing donuts! That must be fun!

Later on, some of the children become scared of flights so buses become even a greater part of their lives! Wherever they have to go, they just get in, get comfy and enjoy their long rides! This way, buses stay buses, and mom`s minivan is replaced by a plane!

However, we often underestimate buses and find those bulky transport vehicles only good for long distance travels and find them good when many people need to be accommodated! Well, just like cars and bikes, they can be exciting too!

Buses can drift, do burnouts and donuts, and for that to be proven, we decided to show you this video where this bus probably brakes every rule and stuns us all with the ability to do so many donuts in so little time! Really, a bus doing donuts? Check it guys!

If you want to see Tanner Foust drifting a school bus, follow this link!