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The Bentley Azure Has Lost $3.61 EVERY HOUR Since 2007!

The Bentley Azure Has Lost 361 EVERY HOUR Since 2007 1

This amazing luxury car Bentley Azure has lost around $3.61 every hour since the day it went out from the dealer’s showroom. That’s around $300.000 lost value over 10 years.

The Bentley Azure Has Lost 361 EVERY HOUR Since 2007 2

Depreciation of the car’s value is maybe one of the most important factors when we are buying a car. This factor is commonly overlooked because most of the people are not thinking into selling the car that want to buy. Having in mind buying a new car is 2nd most important thing in life, the people are just wrapped into the excitement. They are not thinking how much their car will cost in 5 or 10 years and how much from the value will be lost.

As you can see in the video below, there is a super luxury 2007 Bentley Azure which has lost $300,000 in value since it went out from the showroom back in 2007. If you break it down in hours, this beautiful Bentley Azure has lost around $3.61 every hour. That means the owner was loosing around $30 every night while he was sleeping.

Anyway this beautiful machine is a pretty good car for the price. So, the new owner will enjoy this luxury and will not loose to much money as the first owner.