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Airbus A380 Performs Incredible CROSSWIND LANDING!

Airbus A380 Performs An Amazing incredible CROSSWIND LANDING 1

The aviation transport, as we all know, is said to be one of the best and safest ways to travel. Accidents are bound to happening but they are very rare. One of the biggest problems that the aviation has been facing ever since its first couple of flights has been the bad weather. Storms are something that can be predicted with the new technology, but being up in the sky the weather can change in just couple of minutes. The most risky part of a flight is the take off and the landing. This is the part where most of the accidents occur and this is where the pilots should be super careful. In the following video we take a look at this incredible crosswind landing of an Airbus A380 that went viral in just couple of days.

The pilot performed an incredible crosswind landing. Most of you probably already know but a crosswind landing means that the plane is supposed to land at winds that are pushing in from any of the two sides, whether left or right. This amazing footage shows just how difficult is to perform such an amazing landing and pilots should be super careful and experienced while doing it.

This storm took place in Dusseldorf, Germany. Taking in consideration the size and weight of the plane, this pilot did a great job in maintaining balance and eventually being able to land the plane nice and safe. What do you think, have you ever seen such an amazing crosswind landing?