New Flying Cars Are Now A Thing!

When you think of the future of the automotive industry, do you also think about those new flying cars that people are trying to build and market?

Aeromobil And Other New Flying Cars 2

Well, that industry has taken to the skies (pun intended!) lately, to see how well it can develop its products. As of the latest, AeroMobil unveiled its newest flying car and also, they made it available for preorder. The selling of these cars starts in 2020, but until then you can preorder it. All you need to drive this car is a pilot`s license and just over a million dollars that will pay for it. Of course, you can use it as a normal car as well, but just in case you need to travel really quickly, you can use it as a plane with three minutes of prep time.

The top speeds of these new flying cars average about a hundred miles an hour on the ground and over double that in the air. Right now, over 12 startups and some major companies have developed or are currently in the process of developing flying vehicles that can take both a single person or as much as a regular, five-seat car. These are not just any old companies – they`re companies such as Airbus, Terrafugia and Kitty Hawk. They`re all working on selling their new flying cars because let`s face it, we all want one since we saw that one futuristic movie that had them. However, polls showed that over two thirds of all people were concerned about air safety in these things, since they were still figuring out self-driving cars.

Moreover, here is another concept including drone technology and flying cars!