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Aerial Firefighter Dumps Thousands Of Gallons Of WATER On This Guy And His Campfire!

Aerial Firefighter Extinguishing Campfire 21

Aerial Firefighting is human`s top weapon when fighting wildfires. If a wildfire emerges, an abundance of formulated fire retardants drop all over the infected area to extinguish every flame in sight. However, what we have here is far from wildfire. It is actually a small fire that can be compared to a campfire. To make the situation worse, there are also people around it! The amount of enhanced water that drops out of an aerial firefighter like this is no joke. It drops up to nearly 12.000 gallons per trip! So you can presume how dangerous for these two guys in the video this may have been.

We got to say, we are feeling very bad for these two guys. As you can see in the video, they got entirely pelted with chemically altered water! It is no joke to be hit by a water bomb like that indeed. We are not quite sure what the deal with that was though. Were they doing a test? Or was it simply someone`s bright idea of trolling? Whatever the case may have been, the result is the same – very wet! Check out the monstrous aerial firefighter below and share with us your thoughts!

Finally, click here to see the 5 Jumbo Firefighting planes that are used in critical situations.